Source of low-entropy states
What processes could give rise to the existence of regions of spacetime well away from thermodynamic equilibrium required in order for conscious observers to evolve? Several proposals are appended to this node
Λεπτομέρειες πλοηγού
The Arrow of Time  »The Arrow of Time 
The physics of time »The physics of time
The thermodynamic arrow »The thermodynamic arrow
Why do we see an entropy gradient? »Why do we see an entropy gradient?
Asymmetric boundary condition »Asymmetric boundary condition
Past hypothesis »Past hypothesis
Why low entropy in the past? »Why low entropy in the past?
Anthropic selection »Anthropic selection
Low entropy generators »Low entropy generators
Source of low-entropy states
Can observers see low entropy? »Can observers see low entropy?
Boltzmann-Schuetz hypothesis »Boltzmann-Schuetz hypothesis
Fluctuations in de Sitter space »Fluctuations in de Sitter space
String theory vacua »String theory vacua
Updated Boltzmann-Schuetz »Updated Boltzmann-Schuetz
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