Quantum argument
In the cited article Maccone mounts an argument grounded in quantum theory that phenomena in which entropy decreases will not leave any information of their having happened, so that even if they do happen they will never be remembered. This argument does not make use of a computer analogy.
The second citation below refers to an article about Lorenzo Maccone's paper that appeared in The Guardian in 2009. It included a critique by Huw Price (see attached OpposingArgument node). The comments on the article raise some interesting points and objections.
Λεπτομέρειες πλοηγού
The Arrow of Time  »The Arrow of Time 
The experience of time »The experience of time
Passage view components »Passage view components
Flow and direction of time? »Flow and direction of time?
Memory accretion hypothesis  »Memory accretion hypothesis 
Direction is that of memory accretion »Direction is that of memory accretion
Why aligned with thermodynamic arrow? »Why aligned with thermodynamic arrow?
Information theoretic explanation »Information theoretic explanation
Quantum argument
Assumes same time orientation »Assumes same time orientation
Quantum argument lacks generality »Quantum argument lacks generality
We remember small decreases »We remember small decreases
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