(predominantly) in Canada ; iType = Position ; Do2019 Due2022
  • ...
  • consider the (expected and observed) effects of CoVid19
    • An increased use of VoteByMail
    • ...
    • supply Chain disruptions
  • Link to ...
    • published news that is credible, e.g. the Ontario Press Releases, which might raise debatable issues.
    • The PlEo announcement should be added.
    • The Liberal education fund raising letter could be added.
    • Party behaviors should be added as fact checking exercises.
    • Comments are are insightful
    • EonD & CBC sites
    • ...
  • ElectOn ( ... EonD notes are elsewhere, in WipD containers ).
  • Many ElectCa notes need a more private ConText
    • only public material is available in any of these contexts.
  • Elect.* notes apply to various cities and provinces
    • EcaD ; EonD ; EbcD ; EskD ; EPeD ; ...
  • Current Contacts may be built into effective relationships.
  • Position for international opportunities.
    • perhaps by anticipating
      • VyoDevice
      • referendums
      • ...

  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. Findings
  6. Conclusions
  7. Recommendations
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. EndNotes

the preceding numberedBullets are autoGenerated from an indexOrigin of 0.  the corresponding c hapterNumbers range from 0-9

5. Findings

  • There was a lot of interest in the RFP for the 2019 Elections Canada "Poll book" project.
    • Consensus was that it's far too risky for any General Contractor.
      • Time will tell.
    • CompuGen won this RFP.
  • Implementation was postponed until after the 2019 Event.


6. Conclusions

  • Current Elections practices are expensive and need to be streamlined.
    • "Election readiness" is a growing concern, especially given the needs of bi-elections
  • Government election Eligibility rules are fundamentally based on Name + (residential) address.
    • Privacy is a recognized concern.
    • Security is a recognized need.
  •  Canadian standardization across the largest Electoral Authorities is likely essential.


7. Recommendations

  • "Definitive Data" can be used to significantly reduce Election costs.
    • refine the initial infrastructure on GitHub


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Government Â»Government
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Politics Â»Politics
Revisions Â»Revisions
Voting Â»Voting
other jurisdictions Â»other jurisdictions
political Parties Â»political Parties
proponents Â»proponents
Identity Â»Identity
Poll books Â»Poll books
Address Â»Address
Identity Â»Identity
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