Significant Biodiversity Loss (SER)
This is also a Challenge, happening now.

Crossing the living boundary: Why degrading biodiversity is the greatest of all violations of the global commons / August 2016


Biodiversity loss: An existential risk comparable to climate change/ April 2016. This article also discusses the loss of bioabundance


Biodiversity Loss and the Doomsday Clock: An Invisible Disaster Almost No One is Talking About / February 2016


Growing Threats to Biodiversity 'Arks' # via ecowatch 2012



Approaching a state shift in Earth’s biosphere (2012)


Immediately related elementsHow this works
Extinctions »Extinctions
Extinctions (GCC) »Extinctions (GCC)
Significant Biodiversity Loss (SER)
6th Mass Extinction »6th Mass Extinction
Marine Extinction »Marine Extinction
Biodiversity Loss: Response »Biodiversity Loss: Response
Resources »Resources
Global Warming and Climate Change (CEC) (SER) (GCC) »Global Warming and Climate Change (CEC) (SER) (GCC)
Animals »Animals
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