How did we get to 2 degrees as the limit?
Immediately related elementsHow this works
Global Warming and Climate Change (CEC) (SER) (GCC) »Global Warming and Climate Change (CEC) (SER) (GCC)
Response »Response
International Agreements »International Agreements
The Paris Agreement (COP21): 2015 »The Paris Agreement (COP21): 2015
The 1.5 C / 2 C warming limits »The 1.5 C / 2 C warming limits
2 C »2 C
How did we get to 2 degrees as the limit?
2 degrees C should be 1 degree C (2011) »2 degrees C should be 1 degree C (2011)
How was 2 C selected? »How was 2 C selected?
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