Find new ways to live

The essential idea here is "harm reduction." Becoming a vegan, for example, is harm reduction. Calculating your carbon footprint and purchasing carbon offsets is harm reduction. Not many of us can do anything about whether S.E. Asia will burn more coal but every little bit helps in the cause of harm reduction.



Immediately related elementsHow this works
The Global 21st Century »The Global 21st Century
The Challenges We Face  »The Challenges We Face
Possible general responses »Possible general responses
If not been severely affected by these challenges »If not been severely affected by these challenges
General approaches »General approaches
Possible Individual Responses »Possible Individual Responses
Find new ways to live
Follow these eight steps. »Follow these eight steps.
Work less »Work less
The Simplicity Institute »The Simplicity Institute
Map: The Revkin Strategy »Map: The Revkin Strategy
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