Next Tuesday Call – 14 09 16
Quick summary notes from our Franchise for Humanity Next Tuesday call on September 16 2014.

Highlights from last Tuesday's call

1. Brian Donohue highlighted the HISTORIC California Health MRC Meeting 9/13 which resolved to set up CH MRC as a public benefit corporation, and included these folks from F4H: Mei Lin, Brian, Denise, Kennan, Jacqueline and Tammy Chan, Jack Park, Robert Stephenson, Bill Daul, Tim Berlyn, Dan Desmond, Cindy Mason, Betsy Burroughs, Valerie Landau.

2. Tammy and co-founder Henry Oh have been granted official 501c3 status for their not for profit. YAY!

3. Kennan is excited about the innovative breakthrough TEDxLivermore event Saturday Sept 20 - Town leaders, politicians and city planners from the area and other TexErs will work together to awaken common vision and action for the community and going forward.

4. Cleantech Open is now an official client of Denise's company DOME Entertainment and Consulting, LLC. has created over $1billion in investments for cleantech startups and expanding DOME is producing their black-tie gala on Nov 13th

5. Jacqueline Chan is now doing statistical analysis, on the impact on climate change. working with a college professor at the public health department. Congratulations Jackie!

Franchise for Humanity

September 16, 2014


10:00 am Check in

10:20 am Project updates

10:50 am Final Word

11:00 am Close

Table of Contents


Table of Contents



Check In

Final words

Projects Check In

Franchise for Humanity – Plans and Roadmap (7/29)

Corstone (8/12)

OMEGA (8/26)

Healthy Communities(8/19)

Public Universities and Colleges & Social entrepreneurs (7/1)

Social Innovation Academy (5/27)

China & Student Exchanges (8/12)

CleanTech  (8/26)

YAMANA! Science Tech Innovation Collaboratory in DC (8/19)

Meaningful Purposeful work (8/12) (6/24) (4/1)

California Health Corps (8/12)

Corporate Kid (9/1) Neil Shulman's book.





Tammy Chan

Jim Caldwell



9/6 Personal Gold – Olympians for Health

Meeting film-makers and Olympians Tamara & Sky Christopherson. Contact MeiLin

Design Echoes Workshop

Silicon Valley. Contact Riccardo or Juliana from Brazil or Sandy Bates.

Green Energy Council

Shanghai and Shenzhen conferences. Contact: Jim Caldwell

9/20 TEDxLivermore @Black Box Theater – registration now open

Buy tickets here -

Michael Morgan (conductor of Oakland Symphony), Meg Lowman (California Academy of Science Director, canopy scientist) Contact: Kennan

9/24 Science Technology & Innovation in Africa, MIT

Calestous Juma, MLKing Professor at MITContact: Nurudeen


Neil Shulman Humanitarian Event, Atlanta

Contact: Marje Etheridge

Delegation to China – Denise planning to attend. (American Chinese CEO society?)


11/8 "I Have A Dream Too"National Tour – Naomi King

At Black Repertory Theater in Berkeley, CAContact: Marje Etheridge

111/14 Clean Tech Gala – being produced by Denise’s company Dome

11/12-14 Green Energy Council conferences in Tianjing and Hubei and Tsing Dao

Meeting Notes

Mei Lin is in Atlanta and not available for call today.

Brian: I think that the CA Health MRC meeting on Saturday was "HISTORIC."  

Approximately 15 people there. Those from F4H included: Mei Lin, Brennan, Jacquelin and Tammy Chan, Jack Park, Robert Stevenson, Bill Daul, Tim Berlyn, Stan Desmond, Betsy Bouroughs, Valerie Landau, Besty from Berkeley, Mr. Dan Esbensen

From my point of view, the legal committee, we voted to file the articles of incorportation.

A report given by Laleh Shahedi,

I gave a historical report on the legal committtee.

Laleh represnting LRC committee.

Very animated meetings, and Laleh did a slide show that was really superb in terms of what CHMRC is doing

Taking the baby out of the delivery room so to speak. Very exciting.

Brian also wanted to ask Kennan how to come to a Ted Talk:


Kennan shared you can go online in the future for a Ted Talk and TedX Right now the current event for Saturday can be experienced live at Foothill High School in Pleasanton, Livermore High School in Livermore, Valley Montessori in Livermore to particpate for the whole day for free.

Video down the road: three month lag for the editing but it will eventually be on YouTube

All roads leading to ROME, co creating now with groups that are all doing something with participatory democracy. Collaboratory and a new name for each of the projects.

Reimagine science. Reimagine Health. New name and loved it. Documents are being prepared with co emergence.

Want to trademark the imagining science brand. Forward facing name and the brand underneath the Yamana brand "Highest form of living."

NIH had found a french company, defining Yamana: "when the current is unsustainable, Yamana is open handed transparency and working together. We will keep it as part of our fabric!"

having cake and eating it too


Corporate name will be Yamana. Reimagining can be a service mark. Can come up with a logo to come up with the phrase.

Just as protectable and serviceable.

Branch will be a collaboratory, an incubator.


TedX. Can go to the school sites to participate

Todd Johnson, will do a design lab for the TedX. Bringing in a new element. Town leaders, politicians and city planners from the area and other TexErs to work together to awaken common vision and action for the community and going forward. Kennan will write up the phamplet for the event. Nervous about it but excited.

Event is on Saturday September 20th at Las Positas College in Livermore.

Tammy Chan:

This week is a blur. Working on projects.

Has received the official  501c3 STATUS for her nonprofit

(YAYYY!!), Henry Oh, Co-Founder,  started, called "Conversations for Good" or

for short:  "Convo for good" is the brand

Denise:  A lot of colleges have 'convo this' 'convo that' on their campuses. Love that idea.

Brian: Can be differentiated when they coach and mentor, can use a different brand.

If someone has already taken the name in the federal govt, it is no longer available.

Tammy checked with the Secretary of State.

Brian suggested could be service of coaching for mentoring, etc

Tammy checked with Delaware, California;

Check with US Patent and Trade office is where it should be checked too

Working with Henry Oh, Co-Founder

Found a back-end developer to develop for FREE. He is a great developer and got into Amazon as an internship, a student at NorthEastern University.

What does he get out of it?

Tammy Looking for volunteers to write the front end of the website.

Denise:  Advice on volunteering ~ took an intern under her wing, trained and groomed him. Branded him, introduced him to every client while he was taking photos.  Never got anything in writing.  He is now with-holding all the photos, using all the contacts, and asking for money for the photos he took.

Brian: offered to consult with Denise on this IP issue. Please send me info about the situation with JL and we can take off line.

Tammy will follow up with Brian on research to make sure her documents are legal and correct.



Cleantech Open is now an official client of DOME Entertainment and Consulting, LLC.

Took over three months of negotiating - a company that has created over $1billion in investments for cleantech startups.  Just spreading into nine new countries.  On Thursday Nov 13th DOME is producing their black-tie gala.  Negotiation took over 3 months with CEOs and legal counsel all over the world.  

DOME will be taking in volunteers for the global forum itself (Nov 12th and 13th) final competition for people from all over the world in competition to promote their start-ups.  Cleantech provides an entire mentoring series.  Denise will be coming up to bay area a lot to work with Laura Drexler, VP of Cleantech who is in charge of the project.  If any of us know anyone who can be at the event itself, she is looking for people to work as volunteers.  Great opportunity to be introduced to all the heads of the tech companies up here - Google, etc etc to be pitched to for attendance. At the black tie Gala, we will recognize with great fanfare the winners at the event.  Took on the 'by next week promise' and got on the phone and followed up with all three companies on MOUs to be formalized with our attorney.

Denise has started local Southern CA committee for upcoming 1 yr anniversary celebration of Franchise 4 Humanity.  Talking with others that this is their chance to be in this community.  Denis is pitching it as, "It's a closed group of people who attended last year, but we are opening up for people who want to be on planning committee to become part of F4H.

Went to the big event in Beverly Hills with Dr. Zhi Gang Sha last week.

His focus is artwork that combines healing and spirituality.  Beautiful calligraphy, also with spirituality and intention inside of each one to heal others.  Talked with him about his PR.  He has a book 'Soul Healing Miracles'

He is working with people like Michael Beckwith

Saturday, Dec 13th big event at Agape Church in Culver City, CA. All are invited.  Michael Beckwith - One of the spiritual healers featured in 'The Secret' book, author. Dr. Sha invited Denise to meet at his hotel and his crew the next day.  Working with WIlliam Gladstone 'Miracle Soul Healer' wrote biography of Dr. Sha.  Gladstone has worked with international spiritual healers, with the likes of Deepok Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Eckert Tolle. Currently producing a 13 part series for PBS.

Jim Caldwell:  Gave presentation Sept 9th  to Chinese Institute of Engineers on

"The Art, Science and Politics of Building green and Resilient Communities."

In Beijing (Nov 19-20) and Tianjin China-Singapore Joint venture eco development project) (Nov. 11-12). Jim will be presenting at two conferences and building collaborative relationships between Chinese and International organizations to collaborate on Eco-city Development in China: Building model cities to serve as examples for all to learn from.

Tianjin is a China SIngapore ecocity joint venture project on East Coast, north side of Shandong peninsula.  Not far from where Jonathan is talking with people about an OMEGA project.

Children's Art and Environment Project is separate art project developed by the 1990 Institute in 2001-2002.  Now an annual mural painting project with international children at the China National Children's Center in Beijing.

Jim is also working with an architect, Morton Frank in the SF Bay Area to develop Efficient, Green and community-centered affordable housing communities with job training for the residents, helping to build the buildings for the residents.  One block each in bay area right now as models.  Very exciting.  Hard to create balance with all of this.

Residents in Afforadble Housing Communities will get hands on experience to build Green buildings.

1 block each as models in the Bay Area. Pitching Green Community Centers at the Cleantech Open this Thursday afternoon.

Kennan: Suggest that we move into creating for next week.


Project Updates:

AAAF, advancement of sciences has just gone through 2 yr review

director being replaced

in the space of humanity and change we are involved in.

Linda Staheli suggested to Victor Hwang (creator of the Global Innovation Summit) to create a proposal with Linda and Kennan, gaining traction for Feb 25th VIP Launch program to connect science and the innovation sector.  Feb 12-16th  Feb 16th-20th

Both in San Jose.

Linda is talking in Washington DC in the policitcs and science realm. this is a worthy cause and changes.

on board with Cleantech...tapping into the grassroots...getting the volunteers involved.

Juli Staiano, head of program development, AAAF, agreee that there are millions of dollars for STEM. Scientists are not invovled.

Scientists are not sure if they want to be involved with the AAAF

Create  cross-fertilization for this.

Think about cod, the ocean, what is happening in the planet. That is our energy. Creating something new...high end

Maybe with Illumina, China Mobil, Huawei, some of Denises connecctions.

Very exciting way to look at how we can create between the top-down big money initiatives and companies and the grass-roots but also the core of science.

Denise:  Met with an elite group last week- making amazing connections through someone who knows 'everybody' - wants to bring him into Franchise for Humanity.  He is into sustainability and the future of the world.

Kennan:  Victor Hwang of T2Venture Capitol; Steve Blank there is doing lean startup bootcamps with the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

Tammy: Sister Jacqueline got a new job! Will be working statistical analysis, on the impact on climate change. working with a college professor at the public health department

Denise:  Was at Stanford with Dr. Kosnik.  Kimberley Weifling was there and a woman who is working on global ice-caps.

Final Word:

Brian:  Gotta Go

Denise: Delegation with legalization

Kennan:  Enthusiasm

Tammy Chan: Have a good day

Jim Caldwell: Awesome Connections

We are complete and have a GREAT WEEK EVERYONE!!!!

Projects Check In

Franchise for Humanity – Plans and Roadmap (7/29)

1.Set ourselves up as an organization – Flexible Purpose Corporation or B Corporation?

2.Vision and mission, purpose, values: RFC - Request for Comments participation mode.

3.Tammy will take the lead on the website

4.We will discuss how we want to start and fund F4H as a organization

5.Webmaster possibility – Collective Discovery – recommended by Roberta English

6.Partner possibilities: Rotary International (129K members – Brian, Mei Lin via CHC), Edison Universe (Sandy and Mei Lin), The Mission Continues (Sandy and Mei Lin)

7.Interns for social entrepreneurship– Kennan

8.Exchange between entrepreneurs and those who can help (mentors, interns) – Tammy

9.Creative Alignment – step out of compromise, get to a new level of creating, seeing

10.Branding: TV Show on Franchise for Humanity (7/23)

“What is F4H?” Flyer has been created – used in the Edison Awards

Franchise for Humanity sponsored (5/10)

Corstone (8/12)

Denise is working with them after Steve reached out to DOME as publicist.

Steve Leventhal on building personal resilience: competently, powerfully and peacefully. See our notes. Not for public distribution. Programs are facilitated by women in the community with 8-10th grade education and they are providing research-quality outcomes tracking. Very low tech approach – work on the way the girls think about themselves – it turns out persistence is very important. Expand to 900 schools in developing countries. Laurie Bodine in the Bay Area offers a US program called START Leadership:

OMEGA (8/26)

The future is in renewable energy – but we need to get costs down for algae energy from “gas” equivalent of $20/gallon – hence have to add solar, aquaculture to spread the overhead cost over other products that can be produced and sold. Only then can variable cost of biofuel be viable.

Jonathan asking for coaching help from Denise before he goes on TV in Australia.Developed 4 minutes Omega video. Very pertinent questions from Tsingdao via Alex Shaw

Omega on Internet TV, see - filmed 7/23 in Palo Alto, co-produced by Mei Lin

Investigating possibilities in Singapore with Andrew Fung (met at Mei Lin’s 6/22) UC Davis team project (5/27).Spoke with with Alex S. about getting Omega into China, Taiwan, Thailand. NYC – Oct 2014. Japan Nov. South Australia

Nandek in India – developed proposal to seek funding (7/22)

Rob Stewart – filmmaker of “Sharkwaters” considering involving Omega in next film “Revolution”

Adelaide Australia setting up workshop, Minister from South Australia Jim Laski – visit Sep 2014

Digital Earth Conference in conjunction with UNESCO sustainability, Keynote in Japan Nov 2014

Talking with “Economics for Dummies” author Sean Flynn introduced by Mei Lin re: Biz model

Denise has a higher level Taiwan connection – Neil SperlingContact: Jonathan Trent

Healthy Communities(8/19)

Pay for Success model needs Key Performance Indicators – reference KPI Library. Elizabeth Miller has done a lot of work on assessment with Kennan.

Denise’s Wings of Love nonprofit will do a health fair in Kenya – where Obama’s mother has supported the UFUNGUO community development.

Sandy, John Mattison and Mei Lin collaborating on an evidence-based method for social interventions to improve health. Want to enlist young people to look at the gaps. Take what Sandy learned in helping Microsoft, Dell, HP to incorporate the Human Element, Action-oriented

Generated a Gates Foundation proposal “Community Dashboard for the Poor and Underserved” through the Northwestern University Brian Donahue, Linda Neuhauser, Valerie Landau Mei LIn

Jonathan Trent False Memories, TED talk

National Quality Forum Community Action Guide Review Committee 6/10-11. How communities can become learning systems for health. Sandy and Mei Lin following up. (7/29)

Public Universities and Colleges & Social entrepreneurs (7/1)

27 states in the US have passed constitutional amendment to allow for-profit companies to invest in social good.Met with Jennifer Grantholm, former Gov of Michigan. Spoke with Marje. Proposal for DoD created 6/15. Preparing Article “Public University as social innovators targeting Harvard Business Review for publication. FINALIZING DRAFT 9/1 Contact: Brian Donohue

Interviewing teachers in Latin America, to assess the ecosystems. Research to be available for the whole world - a white paper to the World Bank in Latin America? Contact: Waldo Soto Bruno Kennan and Brian will follow up.

Social Innovation Academy (5/27)

Sponsored by Ashoka – Waldo’s slides Chile Social Innovation academy to nurture social entrepreneurs inside universities to foster a better mindset, better tools for making challenges Improve community of innovation ecosystem or rainforest Umbrella org Collaboration Lab inside the University “I must change myself and each of the people in the community must change” Rainforest ecosystem can break down silo's. Sandy working with 9 Mediterranean regions Universities are detached from these groups. Social entrepreneurs are perfect link. Contact: Waldo Soto Bruno

China & Student Exchanges (8/12)

Denise will introduce Mark Rafter to Jim Caldwell – he brought over some of the most famous China artists to the US. Jim was at the China national Children’s Center in September about extending the Children’s Art and the Environment project which involved 1 million children ages 5-15 on the environment, held a contest and brought 100 of their paintings on a tour of US museums and art galleries for two years.The follow on annual International Mural Painting Festival for Children at the Beijing CNCC (China National Children’s Center). The 1990 Institute is following up with a new annual video contest called “Youth Voices on China” which begins in the fall of 2014. Goal is for U.S. High School and College Students to find ways to exchange perspectives work together to solve global problems. Senator Bob Huff, Brian Peck from the Governors office in Sacramento attending to bridge Chinese business community and CA Government together Denise will be an adjunct Professor at Stanford for Chinese CEO exchanges. Linda Staheli’s friend Shao-Lin. well connected in China & US: Energy, Sun-wind systems.


Denise has a new client in Silicon Valley CleanTech – NOV 14 hosting and producing gala

Kimberly Wiefling business advisor to, founder Leslie Field

Candidate for San Jose Mayor, Sam Liccardo, very interested in sustainability at neighborhood level, city and region. Strong focus on water resiliency as well as green buildings. Green building evolution group working together, not competing: Eco-Cities and integration of many aspects -Building and infrastructureSan Jose State EngineeringCommuniversity Model Profitable to be green and clean–let’s make it fun!

Stephen Andrew Berkeley team on water projects in central China Facilitating collaboration. Julian Gresser working with Monterey sustainability, wrote a book "Piloting through Chaos: The Explorers Mind"

Building Information management-Morton Frank

Salt Lake City has successful model for affordable housing.Pay for Success Financing – Vol 9 Issue 1 – Crowdfunding, investment funding forcommunity development. More positive examples emerging. Brian D has friend in Concord Chamber of Commerce, been doing this for 30 years, investing, rehabilitating, making money. Multiple stakeholders involved all working to make the project succeed. Contact: Jim Caldwell

YAMANA! Science Tech Innovation Collaboratory in DC (8/19)

Kennan’s organization Yamana is getting ready to raise $0.5M – and spin off 2 initiatives

Denise asks Kennan to send write up on Yamana as she is reaching out to Illumina on 8/20 and would like to suggest they invest in Yamana.Fabulous presentation on how to collaborate on complex problems, the input of thinking visually; presented by Robert Gilman There are no environmental problems: There are only environmental symptoms to human problems

Linda Staheli approached Victor Hwang founder of GIS and American Association for Advancement of Science - back to back - moving ahead - Victor is meeting with Tiffany in charge of AAAS: emerging an interesting challenge and huge opportunity - AAAS is making a major pivot - annual meeting in Silicon Valley to get innovation figured out - Silicon Valley is looking at "what can we get from basic Science?" Its a breakdown in vision and focus - create a cross over event between GIS and AAAS

Anna Duran, founder of American Association for Advancement of Sciences Contact: Linda Staheli and Kennan Salinero

Meaningful Purposeful work (8/12)

Tammy is developing a non profit – matching people shifting careers with a good listening earCheck out the website We can shift people so they can find meaningful purposeful work - lot of potential to build skills thru the Internet. During interview with Vint Cerf, Tammy asked forhis ideas to help unemployed workers build skills on the Internet. Vint is enthusiastic about online education and building skills there Tammy Chan

Developing affordable housing, education, job training, jobs and resilient communities, all over the Bay Area: keeping everyone well connected, those who know, teach the rest. F4H Presentation: Resilient Communities as Living System Partners. Contact: Jim Caldwell

Met with Engineers without Borders. Contact: Jacqueline Chan

Caroline Malley – Business solutions for Global Poverty 7/22 Contact: Jacqueline Chan

TEDx on CreativityDon’t opt out of being creative. Don’t judge – we can support each other to practicecreativity Creative Confidence by David Kelley – IDEO. Contact: Kennan (6/24)

Change of Name to to

Video showcasing both and the Edison Awards

Kevin Montgomery was interviewed on the BBC,- About tracking human trafficking. OMEGA will be a pioneering F4H project on the site.

Contact: Kennan Salinero (4/1)

Let David know if you want a tutorial. Contact: David Price

California Health Corps (8/12)

Brian Donohue chairs CHC-Legal committee with Jack, Dan Desmond, Mei lin and Laleh.Met with Cindy Beck from the California State Education Dept who is the State Advisor for – looking at how leverage California-Health-MRC and HOSA and Rotary International to come together and touch young people's lives with the concepts of health - a historic and exciting meeting. Now official part of the US Public Health Service network of 900 Medical Response Corps F4H Members who are part of CHC: Bill Daul, Kennan Salinero, Dan Desmond, Brian Donohue, Dan Esbensen, Mei Lin Fung, Jacqueline Chan, Tammy Chan, Tim Berlyn, Cindy Mason.

Working on visionary work and community based learning system. Contact- Jacqueline Chan

California Health Corps and Quantified Self – A new era of self healing, bring forth our diagnostic ability – Contact:Kennan

Corporate Kid (9/1) Neil Shulman's book.

BackSack (Be a Corporate Kid, Support a Corporate Kid) project - piloting 100 CEOs with 100 kids. Recruited 12 CEO’s. Doing a reality show, a documentary. Set up Advisory Board in August. Inspire all 100,000 applicants who want to be in the Quest Game where everyone begins a quest and is supported by the community. Contact: Marje’ Etheridge


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Next Tuesday Call – 14 09 16
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