Extrait - Whitworth defines virtual reality (simulation) as a reality created by information processing, which cannot exist independently as it depends on “outside” processing. This opposes object reality, which we are familiar with, the reality that is self sustaining. Whitworth discusses the idea of the universe being a virtual reality (his definition of simulation) created by information processing. In his analysis, a virtual reality could explain aspects of physics including space-time, the Big Bang, laws of conservation, and properties of matter. He cites the commonplace creation and acceptance of strange theories within the physics community including string theory, multi-verses, “bubble universe,” and the cyclic ekpyrotic model that states separate 3D universes collide and retreat with cyclical timing. He shows verifiable observations that do not fit with our reality including gravity slowing/curving time, absolute speed of light, and speed increasing mass. On a quantum scale he identifies mysteries including quantum particle “tunneling,” faster-than-light interaction between particles, creation of matter solely from energy, and multiple existence. This source highlights many of the ways proponents have used gaps in knowledge in the field of physics so assign validity, or at the very least, lead the reader to consider their claim. This has been an effective rhetorical mechanism in many scholarly and popular circles. |