Inquiry Model
Relating existing sustainability trends to the commons
Inquiry model

For each meme/group of memes:

Find how the meme/group of memes relate to the commons and our desired outcomes/deliverables.
  • Commons logic: In what way does this meme relate to the commons and commons principles, what's the commons logic in it?
  • Cooptation risk: In what way is it or could it become a threat to the commons principles?
  • Limits: What principles and provisions can we establish to make sure the limits are known and paid attention to?
  • Provisions: How can this be 'changed' in a way to help the commons more and prevent risks of co-optation and degeneration?

  • Using an 'integral' approach in relation with a stakeholder analysis.
    see Barrett Brown's reference

    Find how this play out along the following dimensions, in connection with a stakeholder analysis:
    • Systemic: What existing structures and systems can help bring this about?
    • Cultural: What existing shared values and visions are moving in this direction?
    • Behavioral: Which individual actions are already showing the way?
    • Psychological/cognitive: How does this relate to individual mindsets and cognitive styles?
    The first three are more or less contained in the 'memes', 'alternatives', possible answers. And a stakeholder analysis will help us get a more precise insight.

    The fourth is to be developed as detailed below.
    Relation to sense-making styles and worldviews.
    • How do our goals and the previous findings translate in terms of worldviews, cognitive and sense making styles.
    • For each the of view, what are the paths between 'business as usual' i.e. the models we would like to depart from, the alternatives that connect people to the commons from the closest to where they are at, and our goals/desired outcomes, so that a transition can take place by 'translation' -mathematical and mecanical sense....

    Making this actionable

    • How can this be made applicable to the strategic stakeholders we will have identified.
    • How can we help, what tools can we produce to help people more broadly navigate this path amd get onto a discovery journey... and help change agents do their job more effectively...

    Ideally we would create a communication charter or series of blueprints for artists, communicators, change agents to adapt and spead out. And some form of navigable map...

    Immediately related elementsHow this works
    Communicating the Commons »Communicating the Commons
    Mapping the Commons »Mapping the Commons
    Inquiry Model
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