-Supports standards-based education reform based on premise that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve outcome in education.
-Requires states to develop assessment in basic skills. Must give to all students to receive federal funding and achievement standards are set by states.
-Expands federal role through annual testing, annual academic progress, report cards, teacher qualifications and funding.
-If school reports are poor, there are steps taken to improve it. If not improved by 6th year warning, school is shut down.
-increases accountability that's required of schools and teachers. This causes them to enhance parental involvement significantly.
Evidence in support of NCLB: | |
| - Student test scores have been increasing since NCLB took effect in 2002. In particular, the test scores of minority students have increased the most in this time.
- Additionally, the overall achievement gap between minority students and the white majority has decreased between 1999 and 2004.
- The percentage of classes taught by a highly qualified teacher has risen to over 90 percent across the nation.
- Nearly 450,000 eligible students have received free supplemental educational services (tutoring) or public school choice.
- The regular testing has allowed schools to identify the individual students in need of additional aid to reach grade level proficiency.
- The increased school choice option for parents provides an additional incentive for both schools and teachers to reform any ineffective educational strategies.
- Results have shown that the nation is still on track to reach the 2014 deadline for universal grade level proficiency in math and reading.
- In the past year the number of schools across the nation who have met their AYP has increased.