The Architecture

The architecture must support the seamless unfolding of the processes illustrated below:

And support the learning, power and action dynamics illustrated below, and detailed further on this node:

The design map below gives an idea of the types of modules that would need to be integrated together. The platform requires the integration of the best existing networks, tools, process methodologies and user interfaces in terms of learning and action research; aggregation, curation and issues framing; evaluation and vetting of information, moderation; reputation & trustnets; debate and deliberation; e-government/governance & cooperative decision making; collaboration, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, collective action planning, data collection, visualization; with a focus on wisdom and integrity stewardship...

Pull Platform Design Map
Such an ecosystem would need to be open source and supported by legitimate institutions willing to forward civil participation.
Immediately related elementsHow this works
A Global Pull Platform - Engaging for the Commons »A Global Pull Platform - Engaging for the Commons
The Architecture
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