The Meme Map as a Learning Tool
Made of the collection of memes, trends, initiatives, principles that are geared towards sustainability, creating a better future and reversing the damage to our commons, whatever our personal definition and embodiment commons means. I have gathered and curated these from several months of conversations and research.

As any collection, they need to be curated collectively, examined so as to see what is missing, what needs to be modified or eliminated as redundant. And in a second step to examine if and how each is or not related to the commons, the opportunity to relate it more to the commons or not, and in the event of a positive, the language and steps to be adopted to achieve this, and much more...

Progressing and using the map in a workshop context as a learning tool

There could be several possible applications in a workshop, or on an online game type of environment (eager to listen to ideas):

  • Examine and amend each category of meme in a conversation mapping type session to complete the impressionist map of the 'whole common good space'.
  • Draw from the map the position we would like to occupy in relation to the whole and its parts, and the shared principles and criteria we would like to adopt collectively.
  • Explore how we could describe our work and our intentions to the other niches, allowing these niches to become aware of each other and their position in a greater whole in the process.
  • Explore and create pathways to discover the memes in a step by step process, and create narratives for various paths.

For example

In a workshop setting, participants groups could be requested to chose one point of entry in each category and pick a few items in 10 different meme categories and order them by order of preference. This could help us collect examples of pathways to build narratives from. Then, there could be some ideation for metaphors, language and visual. And we could read patterns from there.

Immediately related elementsHow this works
Communicating the Commons »Communicating the Commons
Mapping the Commons »Mapping the Commons
The Meme Map as a Learning Tool
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