Immediately related elementsHow this works
Communicating the Commons »Communicating the Commons
Mapping the Commons »Mapping the Commons
Commons Memes »Commons Memes
Co-Governance & cooperative decisions
Co-governance »Co-governance
Confederalism »Confederalism
Consensus decision making »Consensus decision making
Constitutional Rights for Nature »Constitutional Rights for Nature
Direct democracy  »Direct democracy
Distributism »Distributism
eDemocracy »eDemocracy
grassroots »grassroots
Group decision making »Group decision making
Liquid Democracy »Liquid Democracy
Mutualism movement »Mutualism movement
Open government »Open government
Participatory democracy »Participatory democracy
Partnership Government »Partnership Government
Proxy voting »Proxy voting
social charters »social charters
Top down & bottom up design  »Top down & bottom up design
Trans sovereignty »Trans sovereignty
Subsidiarity »Subsidiarity
Trust law »Trust law
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