e-Government: Digital government services on-line, supporting ICT infrastructures, gaps to be filled in providing access to all population, gaps of trust, open data policies
e-Inclusion, education, competences and digital literacy: Promotion of inclusion, filling the gap between secondary and tertiary and high education in Information and Communication Technologies…
Broadband: Deployment at national and regional level, plans to invest until 2020,…
Innovation: Dialogue with Industry, SMEs (including high-tech), barriers to overcome for partnerships at European level, relations with academia and R&D,…
Research and Knowledge Infrastructures: Centers of excellence in research and tertiary education; research excellence and new competences; vocational gaps; dissemination efforts; expectations
and priorities for Horizon2020, National infrastructures for research and education, integration with European initiatives,…
Portugal, Europe and the World: What can Portugal bring as added value to Europe’s and Global Digital Agenda in the 21st Century