Research interests
Aspects of stability in biomathematical models and matrix analysis. Mathematical biology, especially models in epidemiology and ecology. Matrix analysis, especially stability and combinatorial matrix analysis.
Recent and current research projects include:
- disease transmission models
- global stability of dynamical systems
- backward bifurcation
- stability properties of sign pattern matrices
- nonnegative matrices
- max algebra
- combinatorial matrix analysis
- network models
Research affiliations
- MITACS "Transmission dynamics and spatial spread of infectious diseases: modelling, prediction and control" - member of team led by J. Wu, York U.
- CDM York U. - member of scientific management committee
- AIM Palo Alto - member of scientific research board
- MITACS "Network for biological invasions and dispersal research" - member of team led by J. Watmough, U. New Brunswick
- PIMS IGTC in mathematical biology - member of steering committee.