Control under the guise of democracy? Position1 #91562 18:53 RoyalWe: Does Morozov have a subtext here that because the internet is not a democratic panacea, that there is a democratic argument to constrain it? I haven't heard that, i'm just wondering. Anyone here read the book? I'm wondering what the endgame is. |
18:56 RoyalWe : i'm indifferent on that argument, but I hope to all get out that he's not arguing for control under the guise of democracy. Becausethat doesn't work well in a Belarusian accent. 18:58 Sieddi : basically evgeny says the internet is not a one-size-fits-all tool for building democratic societies, right? 18:58 alexkrst : @RoyalWe I think if you read his blog, op eds, and even other speeches at OSF, he's not. He's trying to debunk the perception that internet is 18:58 RoyalWe : right, and again, i agree 18:58 RoyalWe : however, to me that is so obvious, that it makes me look for subtext 18:59 James18 : But where's HIS "darkside" 18:59 RoyalWe : if someone comes up and says, "it's a NICE day isn't it," and puts a weird inflection in "nice" I'm not going to think he's really talking about the weather. 19:00 James18 : Jigsawnovich u might be a spy ;-) 19:05 Aja Beech : @RoyalWe please keep it respectful, your accent jokes are getting offensive. 19:06 Aja Beech : @RoyalWe maybe stop writing and start listening/reading |