Elementary Matter Constituents
The fundamental components of matter. They are called elementary because, to date, no one has found any evidence of a size or of an internal structure, despite the experiments studying them. An atom isn't an elementary particle, as it is made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons. Neither are nucleons, as they are made up of quarks. Conversely, electrons and quarks are elementary particles unless proven otherwise
The Infinite Passport Glossary »The Infinite Passport Glossary
Matter Constituents »Matter Constituents
Elementary Matter Constituents
6 Leptons »6 Leptons
6 Quarks »6 Quarks
Bosons, the Force Mediators  »Bosons, the Force Mediators
3 Families »3 Families
9 Flavours »9 Flavours
A new periodic table ? »A new periodic table ?
Elementary particle »Elementary particle
Fermions exclusion principle »Fermions exclusion principle
Higgs boson »Higgs boson
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