1. Allah (God - Liberty - Freedom) =

Religious Conditions, Imam al-Mahdi

Muhammad in one of his hadith, narrates the religious condition of Islam saying that it will be such that Muslims will be Muslims just for namesake, people will not recognize God and people will not know what is monotheism. Mosques will loose their importance. More attention will be given to the beautification of the structure devoid of the main aim of providing guidance and enlightenment. The plight of religion will be such that it will be sold at a miserable price. Believers in the morning will turn into infidels by evening. The rulings of the Quran will be denied.Muhammad said: “A period will come to pass for my ummah in which nothing will be left of Islam but its name, and there will be no trace of the Qur’an but its form and outline. The Muslims will be called Muslims in name but of all the people they will be the most alien to Islam.” The Ulama who are supposed to be the protectors of God's religion and the ones who guide the people will be ready to compromise with the tyrant kings and the self-centred rulers. Muhammad says in this regard,“The jurists (fuqaha) of those days will be the worst jurists under heaven. Sedition and chaos will start from them and will also return to them.”
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