3rd generation energy
Offering a venue for hatching - inventors of - machines that harvest zero point field energy.

Now that the proof of concept is there, make it available through open source community – using windfall profits of fossil industry to finance the transition to a no carbon, low cost, empowering all people type of technology.

(No web address supplied).

The Amsterdam Declaration »The Amsterdam Declaration
Projects »Projects
Europe »Europe
The Netherlands »The Netherlands
3rd generation energy
1) Economic growth and sustainable economic development »1) Economic growth and sustainable economic development
2) Energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gases »2) Energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gases
3) Improve the quality of life and enhance trust and confidence »3) Improve the quality of life and enhance trust and confidence
4) Constructively exploiting the opportunities from globalisation »4) Constructively exploiting the opportunities from globalisation
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