01: Future of Syria?
How do you see the future of Syria?
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01: Future of Syria?
A challenge to reconciliate all new experiences »A challenge to reconciliate all new experiences
A country where all women can get a higher education. »A country where all women can get a higher education.
A mix of cultures and ideas. »A mix of cultures and ideas.
A new regime with equal rules and representation. »A new regime with equal rules and representation.
A regime that cares for its people. »A regime that cares for its people.
Amnesty for those who are innocent. »Amnesty for those who are innocent.
An agreement that comes from the people. »An agreement that comes from the people.
Being able to travel. »Being able to travel.
Education in foreign languages, too, mainly English and French. »Education in foreign languages, too, mainly English and French.
Education should no longer be about the Regime. »Education should no longer be about the Regime.
Foreign powers need to leave Syria. »Foreign powers need to leave Syria.
Military service should be compensated and regulated. »Military service should be compensated and regulated.
Need clear duration for military service. »Need clear duration for military service.
Need for reconstruction of housing and infrastructure. »Need for reconstruction of housing and infrastructure.
Need to get rid of all the weapons. »Need to get rid of all the weapons.
New traditions that are respectful of women. »New traditions that are respectful of women.
Real freedom of expression without fear of being put in jail. »Real freedom of expression without fear of being put in jail.
Risk of revenge and further conflict. »Risk of revenge and further conflict.
Syria needs a stable regime. »Syria needs a stable regime.
We hope for a Syria... »We hope for a Syria...
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