01: Future of Syria?
How do you see the future of Syria?
We, the Refugees – The Future of Syria »We, the Refugees – The Future of Syria
Jordan »Jordan
Issues »Issues
01: Future of Syria?
Alawites should return to their villages »Alawites should return to their villages
Alawites shouldn't have all the government jobs »Alawites shouldn't have all the government jobs
If Assad leaves the Alawites will take power and nothing will change »If Assad leaves the Alawites will take power and nothing will change
Need a civil elected government »Need a civil elected government
Need a new constitution »Need a new constitution
Need international peacekeeping force to maintain order for 2+years »Need international peacekeeping force to maintain order for 2+years
Need of a new government that is legitimate »Need of a new government that is legitimate
Need the foreign powers (Russian, Iranian, etc) to leave Syria »Need the foreign powers (Russian, Iranian, etc) to leave Syria
Need to end compulsory military service »Need to end compulsory military service
Need to foreign militias to leave Syria »Need to foreign militias to leave Syria
Need to have equality between the sects »Need to have equality between the sects
Need to rebuild our education infrastructure »Need to rebuild our education infrastructure
Need to rebuild our health infrastructure »Need to rebuild our health infrastructure
Need to remove all weapons from Syria »Need to remove all weapons from Syria
Presence of multiple militias prevents return to security »Presence of multiple militias prevents return to security
Prisoners should be released »Prisoners should be released
Situation won’t change while the same people are in power »Situation won’t change while the same people are in power
Sunnis shoud be in power because we are the majority »Sunnis shoud be in power because we are the majority
Syria has to get rid of the dictatorship system »Syria has to get rid of the dictatorship system
We want the Syria we had before - beautiful, trusting and secure »We want the Syria we had before - beautiful, trusting and secure
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