It's semantics, we should embrace a new word
"So I haven't thought long or hard about this issue, but my gut instinct in the whole "nut milk isn't milk" debate is to embrace the call for a new word. Fuck milk. We shouldn't be drinking milk if we're not nursing babies with our mothers'.

So let's embrace a new word and draw a distinction between the nasty lactate and the delicious, nutritious almond, cashew, oat milks and so on. Why not call it Klim? Easy to say, easy to market as a healthier alternative to milk. I think people wo

"So I haven't thought long or hard about this issue, but my gut instinct in the whole "nut milk isn't milk" debate is to embrace the call for a new word. Fuck milk. We shouldn't be drinking milk if we're not nursing babies with our mothers'.

So let's embrace a new word and draw a distinction between the nasty lactate and the delicious, nutritious almond, cashew, oat milks and so on. Why not call it Klim? Easy to say, easy to market as a healthier alternative to milk. I think people would catch on pretty quickly."

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It's semantics, we should embrace a new word
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