Sign that the US and Russia are abiding by their NPT obligations Position1 #55601 The New START follow-on Treaty signals to the other parties to the NPT that the two superpowers are negotiating in "good faith" and abiding by their obligations under the NPT. |
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Author: Barack Obama Cited by: David Price 9:03 PM 7 April 2010 GMT
Citerank: (7) 56284Likelihood of a nuclear terrorist attack is increasingThe internatinal community faces as heightening risk of nuclear terrorism.1198CE71, 56369Part of wider strategy to signal US will follow its NPT obligationsThe Nuclear Posture Review is part of an overall strategy to send a clear message that there will be a strong NPT, that everybody has an interest in being in the NPT, that the US is going to follow its obligations within the NPT.959C6EF, 56370Isolate States operating outside accepted international norms959C6EF, 56372States will be left outside US negative assurances on nuclear useStates that assist a terrorist organization to obtain nuclear material or nuclear weapons, and/or States that actively pursue a proliferation agenda will be left outside US negative assurances on nuclear use.109FDEF6, 128368Likelihood of a nuclear terrorist attack is increasingThe internatinal community faces as heightening risk of nuclear terrorism.1198CE71, 128472Isolate States operating outside accepted international norms959C6EF, 128652States will be left outside US negative assurances on nuclear useStates that assist a terrorist organization to obtain nuclear material or nuclear weapons, and/or States that actively pursue a proliferation agenda will be left outside US negative assurances on nuclear use.109FDEF6 URL:
Excerpt / Summary In the Prague speech I outlined a vision of a world without nuclear weapons, but said that that was unlikely to be achieved even during my lifetime. But I said that there were a series of specific steps that we could start taking to move in a direction that lessens the threat of nuclear weapons.
The first is to make sure that we have a much stronger NPT. President Kennedy, when he gave his famous speech about possibilities of nuclear proliferation, feared that in the matter of a few years you could start having scores of countries with nuclear weapons. His worst fears weren’t realized because you had a nuclear proliferation treaty that essentially helped. But what we’ve been seeing is it’s starting to fray around the edges over the last several years. So one of my principal concerns has been to strengthen it.
Part of that involved making sure that the United States was abiding by its obligations under the NPT. And that’s why we pursued the Start treaty so aggressively, to send a clear signal to the world that we were in the business of reducing our stockpiles in concert with the other major nuclear superpower, Russia." |