Nitrogen and Pesticide Use?

Source: Dominguez-Faus et al, ES&T 2009, 43, 3005-3010; USDA data (via Dinah A. Koehler)

"Nitrogen and pesticide requirements for producing 1 L of ethanol (if fertilized) from different crops. Data are based on FRIS 2003 and NASS agricultural chemical usage data sets from the USDA. Data for pesticide application are not available for all crops. *Soybean is used for biodiesel production; its requirements were estimated for an energy-equivalent volume of ethanol. In addition, soybean is a leguminous plant and only about 18% of the total soybean crop comes from N-fertilized fields. See additional details in Table S8. "

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Nitrogen and Pesticide Use?
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