Land and Water use of Biofuels? Issue1 #46674
Source: Dominguez-Faus et al, ES&T 2009, 43, 3005-3010 (via Dinah A. Koehler) "Evapotranspiration, irrigation, and land requirements to produce 1 L of ethanol (Le) in the U.S. from different crops. Weighted average ( 1 s.d. for top producing states, from U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other pertinent statistics as described in the Supporting Information (SI). Ethanol crops are not always irrigated (Table S9 in SI). Irrigation averages correspond to irrigated land only, while evapotranspiration and land averages correspond to total planted land. *Note that soybean is used for biodiesel production, and its water and land requirements were estimated for an energy-equivalent volume of ethanol." |