The Earth is in a hole. We have to get ourselves out. We have to change so many things at once we can say we are in a whole system change. So why not transition to a life-sustaining society? Why not say we are in a Grand Transition to a life-sustaining society? Why not work for that? There are two kinds of challenges: Survival Challenges and Social Progress Challwnges. The survival challenges consist of what we might call the Grand Challenge and several other challenges and the social progress challenges are measured by the social progress index. I propose the use of the Moving Forward Matrix to assist in this process of system change.
Here is a plan:
1. Life-affirming Art.
Start with the MAHB Art Community
2. Survival Challenges and Risks
2.1 The Grand Challenge
2.2 Other Challenges; for example, New Technologies
2.3 Risks
3. Social Progress Challenges
Use the Social Progress Index
4. Practical Action
Use the Moving Forward Matrix
"You are either a pessimist and throw up your hands or an optimist and roll up your sleeves."
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