American Electronics Association (AEA)

List of quotes attributed to the American Electronics Association:

"According to Raphael and Smith, in 1998, the American Electronics Association (AEA), a major trade association, convinced the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and the Mission to the EU to fight the EU Directives. The trade associations argued that the mandated phase-outs of toxic materials would undermine the “functionality, safety, and reliability” of their products, and “impede the development of new technologies and products, increase costs, and restrict global trade in these products” which would have to be devoted to developing chemical substitutes and redesigning existing products for compliance at the expense of developing new and innovative products"

Meta-Actor: QUANGO

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Actors/Protagonists »Actors/Protagonists
American Electronics Association (AEA)
Removing toxic materials reduces functionality, safety, reliability »Removing toxic materials reduces functionality, safety, reliability
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