Consumers (advances recycling fees)

"Advanced Recycling Fee: The majority of county governments in Michigan support some type of advanced recycling fee as a means of funding electronics recycling in Michigan. We (Kalamazoo County government) acknowledge that each and every financing option has its strengths and weaknesses, but are in favor of moving forward with an ARF-based program rather than waste several more years on agreeing that we disagree on the financing mechanism."

Meta-Actor: Government

Source Document:

Date: October 21, 2005
Issues »Issues
How to create an EPR-based national e-waste recycling industry? »How to create an EPR-based national e-waste recycling industry?
How to/Who Should Finance? »How to/Who Should Finance?
Consumers (advances recycling fees)
Advanced Recycling Fees are an unwanted tax on consumers »Advanced Recycling Fees are an unwanted tax on consumers
Should EPR incentivize/regulate eco-design? »Should EPR incentivize/regulate eco-design?
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