"On the other hand, it is expected that Japanese citizens will feel a social responsibility to follow the law. In this scenario, people will have an incentive to buy products that are less expensive to recycle, giving manufacturers who incorporate DfE into their productions processes an added benefit.
Meta-Actor: Scientific Community
Source Document: https://dlib.bc.edu/islandora/object/bc-ir:102219/datastream/PDF/view
Date: May 2009
"Like advance disposal fees, these (end of life fees) provide an immediate source of funding for recycling, can be used to cover the cost of recycling orphan products for which no producer is identifiable; the system is also fair in that only the users of products are charged the fees, not all taxpayers. Moreover, an End of Life Fees business model can help reduce the overall costs of e-waste management by encouraging consumers to prolong the life of their electronic and electrical items to avoid paying the fee, and some have argued that it can encourage recyclers to compete for business, bringing down the fees. In theory, therefore, this model offers a range of economic benefits.
Meta-Actor: Business
Source Document: https://schroederschroederinc.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/e-waste-management-white-paper.pdf
Date: February 2, 2013