Lack of sufficient information about shipment means it is waste
There must be sufficient information available to any relevant authority (e.g., customs, police, or environmental agencies) to show that the equipment in a given shipment meets the criteria of non-waste. If insufficient information accompanies a shipment, it should be considered a waste shipment and thus subject to precautionary prohibition.

“Prior to any export, all equipment must be accompanied by the information required in paragraph III,A either as a label or as another form of documentation readily available to authorities in any of the States Concerned and  the economic operator involved should be in a position to otherwise provide such information to any relevant state authorities (e. g. customs, police or environmental agencies) Failure to meet these criteria would generally indicate to the relevant authorities that the material is waste and a precautionary approach to environmental protection would be taken in these circumstances.”

From p. 8-9 of response by BAN to Basel Secretariat. 2010. ‘Draft Technical Guidelines on Transboundary Movement of E-Waste, in Particular Regarding the Distinction between Waste and Non-Waste (Version 22 September 2010)’.


“A practical approach to documentation is being developed under PACE that would avoid the need to label each item being shipped in favor of shipping documentation that will achieve the same result while facilitating port inspections.”

From p. 9 of response by  by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) to Basel Secretariat. 2010. ‘Draft Technical Guidelines on Transboundary Movement of E-Waste, in Particular Regarding the Distinction between Waste and Non-Waste (Version 22 September 2010)’.


“We prefer this information to accompany all shipments of used equipment. We suggest removing the following text ‘the following should be provided to back up this claim to an authority on its request’, and replacing it with; ‘the following should accompany the shipment to back up this claim to an authority’”

From p. 1 of response by Norway to Basel Secretariat. 2010. ‘Draft Technical Guidelines on Transboundary Movement of E-Waste, in Particular Regarding the Distinction between Waste and Non-Waste (Version 22 September 2010)’.

Electronic Waste »Electronic Waste
Draft Technical Guidelines »Draft Technical Guidelines
Issues »Issues
Situations in which used equipment is or is not waste »Situations in which used equipment is or is not waste
Lack of sufficient information about shipment means it is waste
2010-09 Draft Technical Guidelines [2010 Sept] »2010-09 Draft Technical Guidelines [2010 Sept]
Basel Action Network »Basel Action Network
Norway »Norway
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