2 degrees C should be 1 degree C (2011)

"As you can see, the 2 degrees C “guardrail” that separated acceptable from dangerous in 2001 is, in 2009, squarely inside several red zones. Today, the exact same social and political considerations that settled on 2 degrees C as the threshold of safety by all rights ought to settle on 1 degree C [1.8 degrees F]. After all, we now know 2 degrees C is extremely dangerous."

The brutal logic of climate change / 2011

Global Warming and Climate Change (CEC) (SER) (GCC) »Global Warming and Climate Change (CEC) (SER) (GCC)
Response »Response
International Agreements »International Agreements
The Paris Agreement (COP21): 2015 »The Paris Agreement (COP21): 2015
The 1.5 C / 2 C warming limits »The 1.5 C / 2 C warming limits
2 degrees C should be 1 degree C (2011)
When could we reach 2 degrees C? »When could we reach 2 degrees C?
How did we get to 2 degrees as the limit? »How did we get to 2 degrees as the limit?
1.1 C (approx) 2016 »1.1 C (approx) 2016
None: Global warming is affecting us now »None: Global warming is affecting us now
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