Technology Standards and Lack Thereof
Planned obsolescence and the increased rate of technological innovation in computing and data storage has complicated (if enriched) the lives of archivists, librarians and data storage experts.
Relevant information may exist in silos - by location, storage medium & technology that have vastly different capabilities and cost drivers.





MEEHANGROUP: Technology is never the issue in US litigations involving Japanese companies because e-discovery companies have great software. There is no excellent software but there are good / good-enough software to scan millions of pages of docs onto optical drives for transporting them back to the US. These software are called OCR (optical character recognition - there is no ONE industry standard OCR that works for all cases / character types). There are quite a few types of files that are difficult to scan using even the best OCR so it is a make-shift solution and still much of the copying is done manually. (US and European standard OCR wont work well or at all on Japanese files that for example are prepared using old Japanese word processor and japanese spreadsheet documents that are now obsolete. So, a good e-discovery specialist will be aware of compatibility issues to how to overcome them quickly. )

Reducing FCPA Litigation Risks »Reducing FCPA Litigation Risks
E-Discovery »E-Discovery
Ecosystem Description »Ecosystem Description
Technology's & Rapid Innovation in eDiscovery »Technology's & Rapid Innovation in eDiscovery
Technology Standards and Lack Thereof
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