"I feel that creativity is essential, not only for science but for the whole of life. You see, if you get stuck in a mechanical, repetitious order, then it will degenerate. I think that's one of the problems that every civilization has got stuck in – a certain repetition. Then the creative energy has gradually died away. That's why the civilizations die. Many civilizations vanished not only because of external pressure, but also because internally they decay." (David Bohm)
In the Tesla and the Nature of Creativity Project, we undertake to bootstrap a remedial trend by :
- allowing for a vital and new understanding of the personal creative process to emerge among us, specifically of what we call direct creativity — which will then naturally lead us to an insight into our unseen and mishandled potential to be far more creative, or even simply truly creative
- developing a prototype of a collective way to be creative, a small model of what we think of as collective mind, by combining state of the art information technology with available insights about collective creative processes, to foster what we may call collective creativity — a better way to use the products of scientific and other creativity
- allowing this collective mind, which has been created in our midst, to think bold new thoughts, and perhaps envision entirely new cultural possibilities to emerge in our midst.
On Saturday, 30th of May 2015, 3:00-4:00 PM BST, we shall meet here for a 'barn raising' event, to initiate together this third, conclusive and decisive phase of this project, the online dialog. If the nature of this undertaking coincides with your interests, please feel welcome to join us.
And meanwhile, we invite you to explore the handful of 'foundation stones' (nodes adjacent to this one), that we are now creating to seed the collective creative process.