This material will set the stage for the basics in a manner that your executive and Board of Directors can understand. The series will be framed to take a (5) capability model from Level 2-5 in a manner for Enterprise and Business Architects. A guide that can make you an enabler of the strategy regardless of the flavor. The strategy in this analogy represents the cars make and model. Your suppliers travel south with you as you build your offers and your customers help you to earn revenue going North.
A risk model for financial and international standards:
The capabilities apply and have been the crux of general accounting principles for 3o years; before technology was introduced.
The same operational business process dependencies have been the source of the Standards in ISO.
Strategy translates into Design Thinking for Transformation
A) Getting from Quantifiable measurements to those to meet Quality standards
Maturity in this model isn’t quantified; it’s simply 3 lanes on a highway
- High-Complexity and Touches with ranking of the type having external threats
- Fewer with higher value above the 50k threshold corporate 300 customers
- Medium-Becoming mature yet higher skills and more advanced external customer segments
- Mid-Market more but higher complexity-hosted model
- Low-Your mainstream supported by your channels
- Many your quantified needs are within this model.
Slow Lane exiting and re-entering “often” with the Middle lane starting to increase velocity
Your risk need to be carved out and contained; they are your competitive advantage and models that require your most senior resources.
- Missing a quality indicator can become a legal liability.
The only lane your going to expect quantified measurements will be in your proven offers that rarely change and have sold above the 1 billion threshold in the market.
Fast Lane
Most channels are skilled enough to access the fast lane; its fast and furious.