Threats in our schools
While it is fair to say students are abusive towards teachers; the same is true in under-performing schools as a discreet abuse of power when a teacher abuses the students mentally or when the teacher marks students absent who are in class-because the teacher can. When the teacher focuses more on the uniform or lack of having to wear one with parental choice an exemption can allow a student to wear their street clothes.
Teachers knowingly complain and bully the student in front of the class every day knowing the parent has exercised their rights under education code.   

"You automatically will get an "F" in my class for not wearing a uniform"
"if you can pass my class it would be a miracle, these classes are made for smart kids"

Segregation has returned in many under-performing schools students of color are in the larger part of the school with uniforms and no real perks.   While the American, Asian and often the Middle Eastern Indian population of students are fenced off in a small school.  The problems with these models-either the delinquents are grouped making a bad situation worse or the supposed smart kids are grouped off and treated with not having to wear uniforms and having fast food lunches and ice cream breaks within their fenced off part of the school.  

In 2004, the conditions were noted in a blog which managed to get the attention of Standford Researchers or students who visited and found exactly what I shared.  It was worse than I spoke on and I'm rarely politically correct and hardly watch my tone
Equality Based Violence »Equality Based Violence
Variables »Variables
Stage 1 Control Others  »Stage 1 Control Others
Victim to Abuser relationships »Victim to Abuser relationships
States - Variance  »States - Variance
Threats in our schools
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