Threats in our homes
If an abuser is a spouse or partner with children, the children are a major risk for the victim as the spouse manages to convince the victim they will keep the children and the victim will never see them again. Our homes must be safe and stable in order to be well or happy-when a person has no home they are in crisis. When a person faces isolation and loss of control over self and actions they are at risk and when abused the person is in crisis.

Spouses who abuse first break down the partners confidence. 

Spouses will isolate the victim from any family and friends - loyalty test and fabricated issues which must force the victim to choose.  
Jealousy-extreme starting with discreet jealousy and accusations or a small indiscretion or conversation turns into having sex or betrayal and the victim no longer deserves trust.   

Many victims are forced to leave the children behind based on the control and inability to care for her/his own children, according to the spouse who isolates the victim from the children. 
Many victims turn to religion and blame themselves as leaving the marriage isn't an option or divorce may not be an option.  Many families are un-supportive of victims.  victim has to face and accept an inability to fulfill the lifelong commitment of marriage. 

The stigma of failing is deep when religion factors its going to keep a woman more often than a man suffering in silence

The victim is ashamed and the tradeoffs are unrealistic in cases of leave because you are beaten knowing you cannot take your children.


Threats in our home are like walking into a time bomb, when our environment seems stable at home the abuser will cause chaos.  Many serious abusers who never physically hit a woman are likely to be very jealous and extremely needy, as an example a person who text 300 times in a day and expects immediate responses.  The person may not be home and expects the chaos for the victim as a way to keep the person from normalizing their environment. 

The stress on the mind and body are slowly creating illnesses with long term damage starting first with diabetes or high blood pressure. 

Equality Based Violence »Equality Based Violence
Variables »Variables
Stage 1 Control Others  »Stage 1 Control Others
Victim to Abuser relationships »Victim to Abuser relationships
States - Variance  »States - Variance
Threats in our homes
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