Victim to Abuser relationships
People we know and live in our homes People we know from school, work, church, justice, programs or community.People we don't know who target a random person People we don't know who target people based on known vulnerabilities. People we don't know who target based on gender, sexual preference, race, age/national origins or religion.

The known types might be addressed in part by filing a restraining order. 

However, local police often fail to support the victims in actual situations. 

However, local justice systems often change the restraining order type for white males in the court process. While all persons of color are always kept in CLETS.


Difference between two types of restraining orders.  One is criminal and effects your employment options while the others is not enforced by police as the victim must go back to court and file contempt of court and pay for the judge to make a ruling on every incident. 

Equality Based Violence »Equality Based Violence
Variables »Variables
Stage 1 Control Others  »Stage 1 Control Others
Victim to Abuser relationships
States - Variance  »States - Variance
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