Helium 3 fusion is a "Chicken and Egg Scenario"
that without the helium 3, we won’t make the kind of advances that we need to with nuclear fusion, and without those advances, there is little incentive for mining helium 3. so, therefore, we just need to mine the helium first.
Rankin, J Negative Map for Individual Debate »Rankin, J Negative Map for Individual Debate
We should increase development of the moon in the area of energy »We should increase development of the moon in the area of energy
We should extract the moon's helium 3 for nuclear fusion »We should extract the moon's helium 3 for nuclear fusion
It would be ineffecient to extract Helium 3 from the moon »It would be ineffecient to extract Helium 3 from the moon
Helium 3 fusion is a "Chicken and Egg Scenario"
Mining a fuel that we don't know how to use is a bad idea »Mining a fuel that we don't know how to use is a bad idea
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