2) The financial aspects do not make sense
Lee, M Negative Map for Individual Debate »Lee, M Negative Map for Individual Debate
The U.S. government should develop water on the moon : (negative) »The U.S. government should develop water on the moon : (negative)
2) The financial aspects do not make sense
Mining 32 oz. of moon water could save someone's life on earth »Mining 32 oz. of moon water could save someone's life on earth
a) Building and sending up robots onto the moon would be too expensive »a) Building and sending up robots onto the moon would be too expensive
b) Sending up astronauts to the moon too expensive »b) Sending up astronauts to the moon too expensive
c) NASA's budget on $250 million could be used on earth's water supply »c) NASA's budget on $250 million could be used on earth's water supply
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