Fracking wells Contaminating drinking water
New research in Pennsylvania demonstrates that it's hard to nail down how often natural gas drilling is contaminating drinking water: One study found high levels of methane in some water wells within a half-mile of gas wells, while another found some serious methane pollution occurring naturally, far away from drilling.
Garcia, J Affirmative Map for Individual Debate »Garcia, J Affirmative Map for Individual Debate
Develop The Moon »Develop The Moon
Definition of Develop »Definition of Develop
USFG should develop water from the moon. »USFG should develop water from the moon.
New Supply of Drinking water »New Supply of Drinking water
2) If we don't develop water from moon, earth's water will run out »2) If we don't develop water from moon, earth's water will run out
Fracking wells Contaminating drinking water
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