If an alien came, what would they think does not make sense?
If an alien came, what would they think does not make sense?
Emotional support/education is undervalued »Emotional support/education is undervalued
Gap b/t curriculum in education & relevancy to real world application »Gap b/t curriculum in education & relevancy to real world application
How could someone not be interested in innovating? »How could someone not be interested in innovating?
Humans will do anything to "belong", even if it does them harm...  »Humans will do anything to "belong", even if it does them harm...
Inverse relationship b/t work/productivity & one's health & well being »Inverse relationship b/t work/productivity & one's health & well being
Peer pressure compels working behavior »Peer pressure compels working behavior
People cannot share ownership of an idea very efficiently.  »People cannot share ownership of an idea very efficiently.
People don't know their neighbors »People don't know their neighbors
People driven by wealth are too busy to appreciate family & community »People driven by wealth are too busy to appreciate family & community
The media have too much power »The media have too much power
Why aren't there more entrepreneurs? »Why aren't there more entrepreneurs?
Why aren't there more female & minority Computer Scientists in the US? »Why aren't there more female & minority Computer Scientists in the US?
Why do men make more than women in most careers? »Why do men make more than women in most careers?
Why do people care so much about status? »Why do people care so much about status?
Why do people stay in crappy places? »Why do people stay in crappy places?
Why do people work surrounded by foam cubicles? »Why do people work surrounded by foam cubicles?
Why do ppl feel the need to create jobs when all resources are there? »Why do ppl feel the need to create jobs when all resources are there?
Why do ppl live somewhere else than where they work?(Go where work is) »Why do ppl live somewhere else than where they work?(Go where work is)
Why do return's to capital outpace labor? »Why do return's to capital outpace labor?
Why do unemployed not just go & do something to make a living? »Why do unemployed not just go & do something to make a living?
Why do we fix short term issues when long term gives us the headaches? »Why do we fix short term issues when long term gives us the headaches?
Why do we have someone else taking care of our kids as their job? »Why do we have someone else taking care of our kids as their job?
Why do we put ourselves through stress which leads to poor health? »Why do we put ourselves through stress which leads to poor health?
Why does work must either be "full time" or nothing? »Why does work must either be "full time" or nothing?
Why don't people talk to each other? »Why don't people talk to each other?
Why don't these people use the magic (technology) to work less? »Why don't these people use the magic (technology) to work less?
Why don't young people spend more time learning from older people?  »Why don't young people spend more time learning from older people?
Why is it called minimum wage when it's maximum wage for some people? »Why is it called minimum wage when it's maximum wage for some people?
Why isn't there more migration to where jobs are? »Why isn't there more migration to where jobs are?
Why managers of labor have higher wages when they don't do the work? »Why managers of labor have higher wages when they don't do the work?
Why most poorer people work harder than wealthier people? »Why most poorer people work harder than wealthier people?
Why should multidimensional people be forced to one repetitive task? »Why should multidimensional people be forced to one repetitive task?
Why would you pay to destroy your planet? »Why would you pay to destroy your planet?
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