Golden Rice is a flawed concept
GM Technology and agriculture »GM Technology and agriculture
We should reject GM technology »We should reject GM technology
Advantages of GM are marginal at best »Advantages of GM are marginal at best
GM solves problems that only it can solve »GM solves problems that only it can solve
Allows addition of totally novel characteristics »Allows addition of totally novel characteristics
Enhanced nutritive properties »Enhanced nutritive properties
Golden Rice »Golden Rice
Golden Rice is a flawed concept
Golden Rice does not make Vitamin A available enough »Golden Rice does not make Vitamin A available enough
Supplementation Programs are perfectly adequate »Supplementation Programs are perfectly adequate
Techno Fix »Techno Fix
VAD sufferers should eat vegetables »VAD sufferers should eat vegetables
Golden Rice is a Trojan Horse »Golden Rice is a Trojan Horse
Non availability has already had an impact »Non availability has already had an impact
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