Paptuanuku is the earth mother. She is the source of spirituality, intuition and emotion. She nourishes and nurtures us.
Ranganui (the male energy) is created out of papatuanuku (the female energy).
Papa refers to an explosion away from the original source (io).
Atua literally means from the other side or from another dimension.
Tua means 'in front of you'.
Nuku means 'a shift in energy'.
When you are working with female Maori clients who feel they have no place in their family or in culture at large you can tell them about Papatuanuku and explain that she can express the qualities of Papatuanuku as a means of being both a woman and a microcosm of Papatuanuku. In so doing she will have a sense of connection to the universe and it will help her to find his place in her whanau, iwi, hapu and nation.
All people contain both Ranganui and Papatuanuku, or sky and earth. Women can express the qualities of Ranganui and Papatuanuku just as men can be both Papatuanuku and Ranganui.
Intuition comes in many forms. Premonition is one form of intuition. Developing your intuition leads to personal power.