ARNING OFFER - Grants from FED | Offer Benefits Learning Out | Individualized Learning Strategies | Individual learning plans** | Flexi | Mentoring and counseling | Targ | Cont | Healt | Tiere | Stude | Goals and Expectations | 1. Core Content | 2. Pat | 3. Lifelong learning | Pathways and Support | 1. Personalized Learning Support | 2. Rigo | 3. *Rig | Well-Defined Pathways with Postsecondary Alignment | *PK-20 initiatives | *Multi-disciplinary programs of study | *Alternative pathways and Graduate Equivalency Diploma Pathway (GED) | Postsecondary Experiences and Preparations | *Blended learning | Well-Defined Pathways with Postsecondary Alignment | *PK-20 initiatives | *Multi-disciplinary programs of study | *Alternative pathways and Graduate Equivalency Diploma Pathway (GED) | Postsecondary Experiences and Preparations | *College visits and career fairs | *Dual enrollment, internships, and work experience | *Enrollment and financial aid applications and enrollment preparation |