Web: http://www.laetusinpraesens.org/musings/smn.php
IntroductionInterweaving styles and themesPhase diagram of degrees of argument connectivity Aesthetic singularity prior to Technological singularity?Unsaying and ignorance Nescience and ignoranceNaysign and "nart": living with incomprehension and uncertaintyVerbal game-playing engendering a global cognitive container?Requisite cognitive inversion: higher orders of twistedness Recognizing the downside of "up" through cyclic nominative inversion Memorable dynamics of living and dying: Hygeia and Wu XingBeyond verbose: engendering succinct transformative questionsEmbodying topological succinctness beyond questionsReferences
Snippets:The challenge addressed here is how the future might have sought to imagine a gathering of a "Scientific and Medical Network" in the turbulent period of 2014 -- a period of wars and rumours of wars,The approach taken follows from previous exercises in imaginative speculationThe argument focuses on the unfruitfulness of global discourse in response to current crises