Next Tuesday Call – 2014 07 01
Quick summary notes from our Franchise for Humanity Next Tuesday call on 1st July 2014.


10:00 am Check in

10:20 am Project updates

10:50 am Final Word

11:00 am Close

Table of Contents


Table of Contents




Projects Check In

Franchise for Humanity – Plans and Roadmap (5/13)

Corstone (5/13)

OMEGA (6/17)

Veterans, Suicide Prevention Mental Health (6/10)

Fonts for African languages & UNICODE (4/22)

Public Universities and Social entrepreneurs (6/17)

Social Innovation Academy (5/27)

China & Student Exchanges (5/20)

CleanTech  (6/17)

Science Tech and Innovation Collaboratory in DC (6/17)

Meaningful Purposeful work (5/27) (4/1)

California Health Corps (6/17)

F4H Papers (6/17)

Corporate Kid (6/4) Neil Shulman's book.

Final word – June 17 meeting




Stan Gould



Jim Caldwell

Rob Stevenson

Denise O'Brien

Brian Donahue





6/20 2 pm Foundations of Mind UC Berkeley

Tolman Hall - speakers Michael Ranney,Jacob Needleman. Contact: John Kelly

6/22 5-8 pm Salon on Job Transitions for Professionals, Engineers, Managers

Andrew Fung heads program in Singapore. Looking at innovative options. All welcome, RSVP to Mei Lin. Palo Alto Sunday meeting.

6/25-27 – Health Occupation Students of America/Future Health Professionals National Leadership Conference 8400 youth leaders–Orlando FL. Antonio Hernandez who spoke at F4H is the retiring Naitonal President.

Contact: Mei Lin

6/27 Jiangsu Trade and Investment – LA event organized by Denise for 30 visiting delegates. Tammy will introduce Denise to.


8/10 Denise’s Tri-Birthday Bash – Manhattan Beach


SxSW Eco Conference – OMEGA theme

Jonathan working with organizers to engage virtual community before and after mtg

TEDxLivermore @Black Box Theater – registration open July 5.

Invited Julia Cameron “The Artist’s Way”, Waldo and Jim working with Kennan.

Contact: Kennan

Design Echoes Workshop

Silicon Valley. Contact Riccardo or Juliana from Brazil.

Green Energy Council

Shanghai and Shenzehn conferences. Contact: jim Caldwell


Neil Shulman Humanitarian Event, Atlanta



Jonathon is meeting with Rob Stewart. He will give us an update next week.

Stan will be introducing us to the CEO, Dr. Mark Elliot of . CEO wants to open source his software. Will be coming at Aug. 4th. Stan would like to have Mark meet with F4H members on the 4th or 5th - TBD.  (wiki for collaboration - to be ready for the public in a month - sign up to stay informed)

Kennan: Yamano Science merging several sectors, planning the Board members. Will have about 10 people in Minnesota, hospital administrator, 3rd space event. Looking at new ways to reconnect the research community in biomedical (lack of emplyoyment, healthcare prices, movement towards health), creating open dialogue. Students creating course, allows things to emerge from communities. Doing something in Europe with Rob Uncolates (wirites about science and new science), doing scenario building.

Denise: Had big event hosting the Jiangsu Province delegation at the American-Chinese CEO Society red carpet event. Very good connections. Connecting with government officials in China and US. Met Senator Bob Huff, the VIP of the event who handed out senatorial certificates to each member of the Jiangsu Province. Business Development Director of ACCS, Kathy, making connections. Meet with Department of Commerce in Jiangsu province. Mike Client, govt official, was there. Don Kamlager - interested in investing. (Principal)

Brian: DOD proposal, key aspects are statistics. Friend in DC, teaches math. Meet with Mei Lin in DC. James Mason University as part of the mix. UC Berkeley, School of Public Health, with Linda Newhiser. He's assembling people who have credentials.

Tammy: Rainforest Connection - Looking for people in Hollywood. Need one person, need event.

Jim: Just connected with a friend working on collaboration for a better society- Facilitating collaboration. Julian Gresser working with Monterey sustainability, wrote a book "Piloting through Chaos: The Explorers Mind"

Ted talk from Sebestian Seung.

Doing business between China and US. Make it so that real time translation of conversations automatically.

for the translators, it would be great. Live human translators, hard to translate exactly what the speaker says and what the listener hears.


Final Word

Brian: Excited to hear back from Mei Lin and her travels. Looking forward to what she might bring back as far as connections.

Denise: Independence day - such a pleasure living in America. Looking forward to traveling with my children around the world. God bless America.

Jim: Back in the saddle again and moving forward. There's a new movement in religion. Book reference "The Original Blessing" Mathew Fox...enjoying creativity and innovate.

Creation is the Blessing

we are in constant creation and we need to continually innovate

sustainability. human resiliency

Tammy  We can all help one another through our projects. Great to have everyone together!

Rob Stevenson

For Each Day Prepare

Treat everyone alike

When you are the anvil beat

When you are the hammer strike

Projects Check In

Franchise for Humanity – Plans and Roadmap (5/13)

  1. Set ourselves up as an organization – Flexible Purpose Corporation or B Corporation?

  2. Vision and mission, purpose, values: RFC - Request for Comments participation mode.

  3. Tammy will take the lead on the website

  4. We will discuss how we want to start and fund F4H as a organization

  5. Webmaster possibility – Collective Discovery – recommended by Roberta English

  6. Partner possibilities: Rotary International (129K members), Edison Universe, (The Mission Continues (local community level action)

  7. Interns for social entrepreneurship– can be of all ages - Kennan

  8. Exchange between entrepreneurs and those who can help (mentors, interns) – Tammy

“What is F4H?”Flyer has been created – used in the Edison Awards

Franchise for Humanity sponsored

Corstone (5/13)

Steve Leventhal provided an update (please don’t distribute slides) on their ongoing work on building personal resilience to increase a person’s ability to function under stress: competently, powerfully and peacefully. See our notes. Not for public distribution. Programs are facilitated by women in the community with 8-10th grade education and they are providing research-quality outcomes tracking. Very low tech approach – work on the way the girls think about themselves – it turns out persistence is very important. Beginning longitudinal studies over 1-2 years.Expand to 900 schools in developing countries. Laurie Bodine in the Bay Area offers a program called START Leadership in the United States:

OMEGA (6/17)

Startup Framework for Omega Branding project – start a youth movement.

For the, Jonathanwill add information about the about potential OMEGA sites in many countries. Working with Sandy on SxSW Eco conference opportunity.

Develop student base for Omega, existing environmental movement advocates:

UC Davis team has 2 team members from China. Setting up project at UC Davis (5/27). Spoke with (6/10). Talking with Alex S. about getting Omega into China, Taiwan, Thailand, meeting (6/18). Promotional 2.5 minute OMEGA video for TEDx youth talk

Potential funding source referred by Kennan: Child Entrepreneurship Center – Startup Incubator

Jim Caldwell suggests Innospring or Sanhei in San Jose – Jim has template for proposal for them

Potential series of local conferences in China – starting in Dalian: Green Energy Council has eco cities program to make prosperous healthy resilient cities in China. Jim helped plan city: Nanhai. Contact:Jonathan Trent

Veterans, Suicide Prevention Mental Health (6/10)

Generated a Gates Foundation proposal “Community Dashboard for the Poor and Underserved” through the Northwester University, Family Medicine Prof. Mark Loafman and Ahmed Calvo, Brian Donahue, Linda Neuhauser, Valerie Landau Roland Sullivan. Jonathan Trent False Memories, TED talkNational Quality Forum Community Action Guide Review Committee 6/10-11. How communities can become learning systems for health. Lloyd Michener at Duke University developing “practical playbook” of positive US examples of improving community health–Challenge: Add numbers, make it adaptable for other communities. Permission to Copy/forward with attribution.

Day 1 of Conference - Includes Appendix of Mass. General Hospital's roadmap and outcomes

Day 2 of Conference - National Quality Forum Community Action Guide Committee 6/10-11 Contact: Mei Lin

Fonts for African languages & UNICODE (4/22)

Fonts for AfricaGarry Guan is forming a corporation: “Fonts for All”. Rosetta project at Long Now Foundation captured fonts and dictionaries of over 200 uncommon languages with low numbers of living speakers. Fed funds. Output public. section "Where is my Character" which helps locate a given character using standard lists. Last Resort Font is a collection of glyphs. Unicode Character Database can be found at

Contact: Garry Guan for Fonts, Jim Caldwell for Unicode

Public Universities and Social entrepreneurs (6/17)

27 states in the US have passed constitutional amendment to allow for-profit companies to invest in social good. Can invest in public universities to engage in social cause. Applied for Gates Foundation $100k challenge grant and made deadline because of F4H combining networks across Silicon Valley, Academia, Corporate America. Met with Jennifer Grantholm, former Gov of Michigan. Spoke with Marje. Proposal for DoD created 6/15. Article “Public University as social innovators targeting Harvard Business Review for publication. UC Berkeley has been doing it for 15 years and bringing in $1B in research projects.Contact:Brian Donohue

Waldo’s team is interviewing teachers in Latin America, to assess the ecosystems. Idea is to present the research to the whole community around the world -Could be a white paper to the World Bank in Latin America. Kennan and Brian will follow up.

Store references and information about this in Debategraph. Contact: Waldo Soto Bruno

Social Innovation Academy (5/27)

Sponsored by Ashoka – Waldo’s slides at

Chile Social Innovation academy to nurture social entrepreneurs inside universities where we foster a better mindset and better tools for making challenges Improve community of innovation ecosystem or rainforest inside Universities Umbrella org Collaboration Lab inside the University -

- President of Chile will present an agenda to improve the social innovation climate inside Chile - huge opp to improve society to use the social innovation approach, create social enterprises and social companies. If we want to change an eco system or a micro society –“ I must change myself and each of the people in the community must change”

Rainforest ecosystem can break down the silo's. Tie in to Debategraph and - the Europe work Sandy’s doing is 9 regions in the Mediterranean Universities are detached from these types of groups. Social entrepreneurs are the perfect link.. Contact: Waldo Soto Bruno

China & Student Exchanges (5/20)

Denise will be an adjunct Professor at Stanford for Chinese CEO exchanges. Jim Caldwell worked on this for 14 years. Jim in 1990, set up an institute for children's art of the environment to raise their and parent's awareness: now children's mural project that is conducted yearly.Linda Staheli’s friend Shao-Lin. well connected in China & US: Energy, Sun-wind systems.

Contact: Denise O’Brien

CleanTech (6/17)

Kimberly Wiefling business advisor, founder Leslie Field

Contact:Kimberly Wiefling

Candidate forSan JoseMayor, Sam Liccardo,veryinterested in sustainabiityat neighborhood level, city and region. Strong focus on water resiliency as well as green buildings.

Green building evolution group is people in various sectors of Clean and green, working together to implement each other's work: Ecocities and integration of many aspects - 5 intelligences of humans, 5 forms of life- how to build to take advantage of and support our ecosystem, Building and infrastructureintegration to support the health of our ecosystem, people and economies. San Jose State Engineering students team in “Communiversity Model”neighbourhoods connect to City’s green development- Kennan: Profitable to be green and clean–let’s make it fun! Stephan Andrew http://www.pacificrimeco.comBerkeley team is working on water projects in central China – recycling, re-use.

Biomimicry as a model for eco system development. Proposed model:

Smart Buildings and Built Environments will have energy to empower stakeholders and their ecosystems when internal and external energies are dynamically balanced; They fail when they become too rigid, waste resources or fall too far out of balance.

Buildings, like natural living systems, must evolve internally and externally as other systems in their universe change. “Energy,” “Economy” and “Environment” are symbolic of many variables -- including people, families, communities and organizations of all kinds; power grids, food, water/waste management systems and the communication/transportation systems that connect them.

The opportunity is to create and maintain smart, dynamically balanced buildings and built environments that optimize the available energy/resource mix and empower the resilient development of smart people, buildings, built environments and ecosystems.

Contact: Jim Caldwell

Science Tech and Innovation Collaboratory in DC (6/17)

Kennan is working with Linda, andAnna Duran, founder of nonprofit. American Association for Advancement of Sciences. Kevin Montgomery will be a presenter on the panel to the scientific community. Linda is writing paper on top global challenges of the day, Kennan working with her on how scientists can be involved as a network. F4H brings the ability to connect new ways through diverse community. Core in shift in science – collaboration. Need a new ecosystem to build skills for 21st century scientists Kennan giving talk in LA about new narratives for science education and research in the US. Contact:Linda Staheli and Kennan Salinero

Meaningful Purposeful work (5/27)

Researchingunemployment and how we could shift people to find meaningful purposeful work - saw a lot of potential to build skills thru the internet - during interview with Vint Cerf, Tammy asked for his ideas to help unemployed workers build skills on the Internet - we are editing the interview, and will send out later....Vint is enthusiastic about online education and building skills from there –Tammy’s interview of Vint Cerf:

Contact: Tammy Chan

Change of Name to (6/24)

Video showcasing both and the Edison Awards released by Edison Awards and will be posted on their website,

Kevin Montgomery was interviewed on the BBC,-

About tracking human trafficking. OMEGA will be a pioneering F4H project on the site.

Teaming Agreements is the second F4H project on the site. Kimberly Wiefling & Kimberly King.

Stan has joined a collaboration group in Australia

Contact: Kennan Salinero (4/1)

Let David know if you want a tutorial. Reference - : Contact:David Price

California Health Corps (6/17)

Has become official part of the US Public Health Service network of 900 Medical Response Corps F4H Members who are part of CHC: Bill Daul, Kennan Salinero, Dan Desmond, Brian Donohue, Dan Esbensen, Mei Lin Fung, Jacqueline Chan, Tammy Chan, Tim Berlyn, Cindy Mason. Contact:Bill Daul, Co-founder of CHC

F4H Papers (6/17)

Linda Staheli (Wilson Center 3/25)

Sandy Bates (Edison Awards Steering Committee and Board Member for the Awards)

Sandy Bates and Mei Lin Fung (Stanford Social Innovation Review)

Brian Donohue & colleagues (Harvard Business Review)

Contact: Sandy Bates

Corporate Kid (6/4) Neil Shulman's book.

BackSack (Be a Corporate Kid, Support a Corporate Kid) project - piloting 100 CEOs with 100 kids. Doing a reality show, a documentary. Jim Beach - a major asset to the Corporate Kid team, joined our team as the chief strategic officer. Setting up Advisory Board that will kick off in August. Jim runs entrepreneurial clinics, can inspire all 100,000 applicants who want to be in the Quest Game where everyone begins a quest and is supported by the community. Spread it sideways e.g. include the Life Club Rotary International Contact:Marje’ Etheridge



Final word – July 1 meeting


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Next Tuesday Call – 2014 07 01
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