2009-06-25 12:12: Prince stays downstairs
  • Kai Chase goes to get Prince from the den
  • Prince meets Dr. C. R. Murray at the stairs
  • Prince stays downstairs
  • Kai and the children formed a circle holding hands and started praying
Michael Jackson Death Investigation »Michael Jackson Death Investigation
Time Line »Time Line
2009 »2009
2009-06 »2009-06
2009-06-25 »2009-06-25
2009-06-25 12:00 »2009-06-25 12:00
2009-06-25 12:12: Prince stays downstairs
K. Chase interview on Larry King, CNN »K. Chase interview on Larry King, CNN
Kai Chase »Kai Chase
Prince Jackson »Prince Jackson
2009-07-30: K. Chase interview on NBC Today »2009-07-30: K. Chase interview on NBC Today
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