AH likes to think about audience when writing a paper.
Who, specifically, will we approach for funding with this paper?
- VA
- (indirectly) RWJF
- SBIR (small-business innovative research) opportunities
- ???
Each audience has different priorities.
We may want to combine contributions from several.
Need to think about strategy around that.
Write white paper from that.
JP: create omnibus white paper that says everything.
Then, draw specific white papers from that.
AH: part of this white paper process: create linear, easily understood description of SolrSherlock.
From the semiotic dictionary, Semiotics and Language: An Analytical Dictionary, seek to understand all the many ways in which meaning is symbolized; SolrSherlock should know those. Organizational principals, and common patterns of symbolization. SolrSherlock being sent out into the world of symbolizations, under which there is organization and structure: symbols not created in random manner.
Plugin components: one for picking up structures, one for canonical schemas, narrative schema, etc., will provide SolrSherlock means to tap into symbolized meaning structures.
Note: Sowa talks about this, but relies purely on Peirce triadics.
AH: Greimas predates Peirce, has fallen into relative obscurity.
AH: things to think about:
- Omnibus core material
- Shaping that towards different audiences
- Might want to approach several funding audiences in some kind of combination
- SBIR and VA at the same time
- Not sure whether there is cooperation opportunities
- Other parties to include as authors
- Funding agency specific issues related to who to include
- Brainstorming what the content of omnibus aspect of paper should include
- Look outside
- who did successful white papers?
- what did they do?
- Think about Jacquiline Wallace from the TQ tribe
Uses of this paper:
- General articles
- Reports
- Conference papers
- Platform design
- Training, lectures
- A Book