Kandel, Markram, Matthews, Yuste, and Koch review brain mapping initiatives http://t.co/akqN13WJBd— ASSC Students (@TheASSC) October 20, 2013
Kandel, Markram, Matthews, Yuste, and Koch review brain mapping initiatives http://t.co/akqN13WJBd
Large-scale networks found in awake marmoset monkey http://t.co/tyoSERIrLD— ASSC Students (@TheASSC) October 21, 2013
Large-scale networks found in awake marmoset monkey http://t.co/tyoSERIrLD
.@dosmonos interviews Paul Allen about his plans to reverse engineer the human brain http://t.co/3hdPUDHpvX— Mo Costandi (@mocost) October 24, 2013
.@dosmonos interviews Paul Allen about his plans to reverse engineer the human brain http://t.co/3hdPUDHpvX
Rainbows seem rather dull in comparison to brainbows: http://t.co/HpoOqXJSuS via @WardPlunet #brain— Danielle DeSouza (@NeuroNerd13) November 29, 2013
Rainbows seem rather dull in comparison to brainbows: http://t.co/HpoOqXJSuS via @WardPlunet #brain