Money for women’s rights organisations is crucial
To ensure the realisation of women’s human rights, it is urgent to allocate more money for women’s rights, and it needs to be allocated to women’s funds and directly to women’s organisations.

ToTo ensure the realisation of women’s human rights, it is urgent to allocate more money for women’s rights, and it needs to be allocated to women’s funds and directly to women’s organisations (NGOs), not only to governments (which may oppose the work of women’s rights groups in their countries). For example, an article published last year, “The Civic Origins of Progressive Policy Change: Combating Violence against Women in Global Perspective, 1975-2005” analysed an extensive data set that had been collected over a period of 40 years in 70 countries worldwide and concluded that autonomous feminist movements have played a key and decisive role in securing progressive policy change in combatting violence against women (article written by Mala Htun and S. Laurel Weldon, published in Vol. 106, No.3, of The American Political Science Review, August 2012). The Dutch government’s MDG3 and FLOW Funds have been important initiatives that have channeled significant resources to women’s rights organisations and women’s funds over the past several years. We applaud the Dutch government for its vision in creating these funds. These types of initiatives are critical for securing women’s human rights and need to continue to receive funding in the future.

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Money for women’s rights organisations is crucial
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